No Matches
#include <fmt/core.h> // For fmt::format
#include <spdlog/cfg/env.h> // Allows reading log level from env variable
#include <chrono> // For chrono_literals
#include <iostream> // For cout
#include <thread> // For sleep_for
#include "drone/PioneerDrone.hpp"
int main() {
using namespace std::chrono_literals; // For this_thread::sleep_for(1s);
using namespace std;
// Read environment levels from an env variable. This was, you can set the
// spdlod level like this (standard is "info"):
// SPDLOG_LEVEL=debug be-drone
// SPDLOG_LEVEL=warning be-drone
// Print current state of the indicators
cout << fmt::format("Indicators: {}", drone.get_indicator()) << endl;
// Set the indicator lights in the lower canister
// [red|ORANGE|yellow|GREEN]
{.green = false, .yellow = true, .orange = false, .red = true});
// Print current state of the indicators
cout << fmt::format("Indicators: {}", drone.get_indicator()) << endl;
// Set the indicator lights in the lower canister
// [RED|orange|YELLOW|green]
{.green = true, .yellow = false, .orange = true, .red = false});
// Print current state of the indicators
cout << fmt::format("Indicators: {}", drone.get_indicator()) << endl;
// Reset to standard blinking pattern by switching off all indicator lights
// Print current state of the indicators
cout << fmt::format("Indicators: {}", drone.get_indicator()) << endl;
// Since the pmu communicator is non-blocking, we need to wait until the
// command is published to the PMU. Otherwise the program might exit before
// the indicators switch off.
void set_indicator(blunux::pmu::IndicatorsSetpoint indicators)
Enable/diable the indicators on the light board.
pmu::IndicatorsSetpoint get_indicator() const
Get the indicator status.
Class representing a drone.
Definition PioneerDrone.hpp:31